Sunday 17 June 2012

.:: Chicken Rice opposite St. Peter's Church ::.

I have always fond of chicken rice all my life, but I have started to neglect my fave for this food for health sake. Till one fine day, I decided to have with my mum and sister after mass.

Here we go:

I couldn't remember the price but it was quite pricey for half a chicken. Nevertheless the chicken was good with the chili and garlic as well ^^.

The way I like my porridge is really smooth and not those watery texture and those that you could still feel the shape of the rice. The taste was not bad.

Chicken rice ball was good to go with the chicken and a perfect texture of meat and rice. Chili and garlic sauce was marvellous and authentic. If you could just see the toasted bread on the near left, it used to be those Hailam bread but now they served with the normal bread which you can get it anywhere. It's from a choice of butter kaya or margarine kaya.

I also had the kopi kaw(thick coffee), but had misplace the pictures though ^^.

Overall: 3/5.

Opposite of St. Peter's Church, the row of shop houses.
Sorry will get the info soon ^^.

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